Saturday, November 27, 2010

Echoes of Joy

Joy is the serious business of heaven - in a better country it is the End of ends!  - C.S. Lewis

Joy, that light and airy song that flashes in
     the twinkling stars and
     dances lightly on the wind
Joy, that melodious song that bursts forth
     in spring
     from tongue of bird and beast
     and that explodes its brilliance in the foliage of creation
Joy, that deepness of brass and drum
     that thunders in the heart of rivers
     or in the voice of leviathan
Joy, that mighty rushing wind which blows in the
     heart of all things
Joy flows at the center of the universe
Joy was there in Eden - echoing in history
Joy has filled the ages since
The angels sang joy at Incarnation - there was
Joy in His life and echoes of joy even at
     His death - reverberating until joy resounded in the Resurrection
For two thousand years the echoes of joy have continued -
     sometimes loud, sometimes soft,
     sometimes far away and difficult to hear,
     yet there nonetheless
And still we wait for joy in the triumph of His coming
     in that finality of all things
Joy will burst forth again - forever
     and the whole universe will echo its song -
For joy runs at the heart of all things.

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